June Avignone

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[winner of an Allen Ginzberg Prize]

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Downtown Paterson
Images Of America
Downtown Paterson
Edited by June Avignone
Arcadia Publishing, an imprint of Tempus Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 0-7524-0937-9, © 1999
Available through Amazon.com.
"Downtown Paterson is a nostalgic picture book with a few things to say . . .
Affectionate and nostalgic treatment generally characterizes Arcadia Publishing's Images of America, a series of largely pictures-with-captions books on U.S. towns and cities, usually compiled by local writers and historians. Both elements are present in 'Downtown Paterson,' edited by journalist/poet June Avignone, and collaborators, but there are somber hues in the picture of the 'Old Silk City' that emerges."
.-- William Gordon, Newark Star Ledger
Downtown Paterson pages