June Avignone

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[winner of an Allen Ginzberg Prize]

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On Going Home Again
On Going Home Again
By June Avignone
Synthetic City Publications
ISBN: 0-9654628-1-1, © 2001
Contact June Avignone for book availability.

"On Going Home Again" is June Avignone's bold artistic essay that redefines autobiographical possibilities for writers and artists alike. Each page is a unique enough work of art that you don't need page numbers...Avignone reaches beyond the personal to caputre the odyssey of leaving home and returning in spirit, if not substance, to the feelings of beginning, to times when ends were means of finishing stories that fashioned limitless possiblities. Histories, public and private, collide and collapes into one another in this work. Avignone's montage creates a multivocal, multilayered autobiographical flash that attempts to capture a lifetime in a blink, or is it a wink?
.-- Fred Gardaphe, Fra Noi